Exercise 1
Register an account on developer.mbed.org and associate your dev board. There is a step-by-step guide available in the guides section.
Import the location puck in the online compiler. See the step-by-step import guide for tips if you get stuck. Use the
Example Puck (BLE)
template. -
Set a unique advertising ID for your device in main.cpp. By default it will be
. You can put anything you want here, as long as it is a positive number less than or equal to0xFFFF
. -
Compile the project and flash your development board with the program.
Run the program by pressing reset on the board (you need to do this every time you flash it)
Check that your development board is advertising by using Master Control Panel (Android) or LightBlue (iOS) on your smartphone.
If you were able to find your device using your smartphone, you have completed exercise 1. Congratulations! Now you can read up on some of the guides if you want, or continue with the next exercise, or just chill out for a bit until we continue with the slides afterwards.
If you have a hard time completing this assignment here are some resources for you to have a look at.
First time setup
How to use libraries on mbed.org
How to use the puck library
C++ for the mbed developer