Sagaen om Harald Blåtann

First-time setup

To start developing for the mbed-enabled nRF51-DK, you first need to register an account on the online compiler at and associate the development board model with your account. This is an easy process.

Visit and click “Login or signup”.

Click “Signup”.

Click “No, I haven’t created an account before”.

Enter your details and click “Signup”.

When you have signed up, you should see this notification:

Do as the notification says and plug in the board. The board will show up on your computer as a regular USB storage device. Open the mbed.htm file that is on this device.

You should automatically be taken to with a notification like this one:

You have now successfully made an account on, and have associated your development board hardware model with your account. This means that you are ready to start developing!

Now you can check out the guide for using the mbed compiler.